2nd April 2011, Saturday is the day when India became a champion of cricket world cup after 1983. This was the 2nd time when India became a champion o this cup. Everybody is happy and i am also a happy man when Indian skipper hit a ball for six. This was the proud moment for all of Indian people who watched this. I never seen the 1983 world cups win of Kapil Dev. There were always some people who thought that Sri-Lankan is better team than Indian team.
But the things are behind all Indian team was blessings of 121 crore of people from India itself and other are from outside India. The moment when Dhoni lift the cup it was really a proud moment for all India team. But this could be really a best moment for Sachin Tendulakar in his life. And this was the trophy he always wants to lift. If Sachin could make a hundred in that match that would be really great one from greatest batsman of this game.
Thanks to MSD for giving us so much proudest moment in our life. He always been a cool captain and taken every risk works for great in this game whether it was two toss in final game, whether Sreesanth included in team 11 instead of Ashwin, whether MSD promoted himself ahead of inform batsman Yuvraj Singh. Everything was perfect.
Once again congratulation to Team India and all of Hindustani as well.
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