It has already been determined, and is a given fact, that the mind rules the body totally. But that is not to say that the current condition of the body does not affect the mind in some ways.
When the body experiences pain, or any other negative physical state, the mind IS affected. The goal here is to use this to create a state of happiness.
Let’s perform a quick experiment. Stand up and hold both your arms out to the sides of your body, perpendicular to the floor. Move them in small circles. Keep doing it.
Soon, you will feel a burn in both shoulders. Keep doing it.
After a time, your shoulders will begin to ache terribly. Now the pain is all you can think about. Keep doing it.
If you can keep doing it, eventually you will feel excruciating pain. Your breath will become labored. Your face will turn red. You will breathe faster and faster through pursed lips. Keep doing it until you can do it no longer.
Now, notice your state of mind. You will find that you are quite likely ready to scream...
Now drop your arms and take some deep breaths. Notice your state of mind now. Relief. You are happy that it is finally over.
The state of the body CAN affect the mind in this way. But what if we could reverse this process? What if we could create a pleasurable state in the body? How would the mind be affected? This, for some of us, is the classical definition of sex. More about that later.
Try this simple experiment. Stop reading for a moment. Now frown as hard as you can, and hold the frown for about 30 seconds.
Next, make the face you make when you smell something terrible. Hold this expression for another 30 seconds.
Now, change again and smile as hard as you can for about 30 seconds.
Ok, now go back and frown as hard as you can again. Notice how you feel. You feel very negative, don’t you?
Again, make the face you make when you smell something very bad. Hold. Notice how you feel. Again, it is not a pleasant feeling, is it?
And finally, smile very hard and note your feelings now. Feels good, doesn’t it.
Your mind is conditioned to create a mental response to a somatic condition. This has been conditioned into you since birth. Here is how this can work to your advantage.
Find a place where you will not be disturbed for a few moments. Stand very still and close your eyes. Now, imagine in your mind an experience that has caused you great mental pain in the past. This could be a failed relationship or maybe a situation where others made fun of you in public. Whatever. Make certain, though, that this situation caused intense distress.
Go over the incident in your mind. The goal is to vividly imagine the pain you experienced.
How did you feel?
What did you see?
What did you hear?
Who was there?
What emotions did you experience?
Work yourself into a controlled frenzy. Make the experience as real as possible. Feel it. Feel it. FEEL IT.
You are now in a terrible state of mind. Notice your feelings of pain, anguish, hatred, disgust, whatever. Make it hurt. Make it hurt bad. Now, stop and...
Smile as hard as you can.
Not just any smile. The biggest smile you can muster. A smile that would make a clown envious. The big one.
While smiling this smile of all smiles, begin to tap your toes. Whistle or hum one of your favorite tunes. Then force a laugh out loud.
Now how do you feel? You have forgotten the pain and now feel quite good!
You see, the posture of your body, if you can control it, WILL change your state of mind completely. This is because your mind, since birth, has programmed a frown to connect with negative mental states, and a smile to connect with positive mental states. All this technique really does is to reverse the process. It is seldom that you can be really angry and have a smile on your face at the same time (unless you are up to something...)
Positive Somatic Linking can be used to INSTANTLY transform a negative mental condition into a positive mental condition by performing a physical action.
This does not mean that it changes your thinking. It changes the emotions you experience.
Of course, I have no idea what physical actions you perform when you are in a happy frame of mind. So, for the purpose of making an example, let us suppose that you smile broadly, hum your favorite tune and clap your hands.
The next time you catch yourself feeling angry, anxious, and sad or any other negative state you wish to eliminate, stop immediately. Smile broadly. Begin to hum your favorite tune. Clap your hands. (Of course, if you are in a business meeting or any other public place, you may want to excuse yourself and head for the restroom).
The point is that the performance of these physical actions will immediately ARREST your negative mental state of mind and transform it into a positive state of mind. It cannot be otherwise. This is a fantastic technique if you will take the time to learn it and practice it. You will no longer be subject to the garbage your mind throws at you, as you will now be able to control IT, rather than IT controlling YOU! However, this technique can be taken one step further.
The science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has developed a technique known as "anchoring". Anchoring primarily involves matching a physical event with an emotion. (I highly recommend that you explore NLP as part of your journey towards creating Heaven On Earth. There are hundreds of websites and a plethora of books and pamphlets that describe how NLP works).
This is nothing new. We naturally "anchor" all the time. How many times have you heard a song that reminded you of a past event? The song is an anchor. You may experience joy at the memory or sadness. It has been burned into your brain by emotion. Do you wish to feel happy. Just put on your happy song!
In our system, Positive Somatic Linking is somewhat like hearing that old song, but with a twist. It works something like this.
Close your eyes and think of a time when you experienced the positive feelings and emotions you wish to experience right now. This past experience should be one of the happiest experiences of your life; a time when you felt exceptionally good about yourself and the world. Build this experience in your mind. Remember how you felt. Imagine this experience as vividly as possible. Build it up and up into a climax.
NOW SMILE AS HARD AS YOU CAN. And, when your mind is at the peak of the positive feelings and mental states you experienced back then, simply perform a physical action you never otherwise perform, such as tapping your thumb and forefinger together 3 times. Open your eyes and think of something else to clear your mind. Then, repeat the process.
Do this a few times. Eventually, your mind will come to associate tapping your fingers together three times with the positive emotional experience and with the BIG SMILE! Once this has been accomplished, you can instantly create a positive state of mind at any time, simply by tapping your fingers together 3 times and putting on that BIG SMILE! How useful could this technique be?
Positive Somatic Linking can be one of the most powerful, life changing tools to be found in our system. But it will not work unless you use it. Try it!
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Surendra Sharma and LallanTop
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