Beyond the high speeds of those imaginary particles we describe
and much further than the field of infinite potentiality of the new verse,
there lies a most shy, omnipotent, innocent and inexplicable joy.
Let’s make believe, like little girls playing at serving invisible tea
that we are hearing this music unheard, and dance, just dance
Bring along the so-called sins and other deviations that spice up the rhythm
yes why not, also the sac of virtues and credits you can spare.
Let’s dare to be absolutely naked in this purity so insane
that it can only be seen in moments of silence and then forgotten,
like sacred oaths unspoken
Pour the cups of non existing tea and share with each other this instant
our little girl hands so poised and elegant as they pour and serve,
the inebriating nothing tea that lies hidden, in the shyness of the explosion
Beyond the accelerated particles of our imagination, way in there,
impossibly near , hiding behind what has never been lost.
Collapsing in intervals so fine you can call them divine
and yet it is all beyond words and languages.
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Surendra Sharma and LallanTop
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