The BJP will initiate the following measures within 100 days of coming to power:
1. Revive the anti-terror mechanism that has been dismantled by the Congress; improve upon POTA to ensure it is more effective as an instrument of deterrence and a tool to prosecute offenders without innocent people being harassed; and, strengthen the operational role of the National Investigating Agency.
2. Give assent to laws drafted by State Governments for dealing with organised crime and terrorism; encourage other State Governments to adopt similar laws.
3. Launch a massive programme to detect, detain and deport illegal immigrants.
4. Completely revamp the internal and external intelligence agencies and review the existing system of coordination, convergence and dissemination of intelligence inputs. A massive exercise will be undertaken to modernise intelligence agencies so that they are better equipped to use technology and cope with the rapidly changing trends and patterns of terrorism at home and abroad. The National Security Council will be made the hub of all sector-related assessments. It will be accountable for real-time intelligence dissemination; intelligence agencies will be held responsible for lapses. Appointments to intelligence agencies will be on merit and not because of political patronage as has been the system during the Congress years.
5. A Digital Security Agency will be set up to deal with cyber warfare, cyber counterterrorism, and cyber security of national digital assets.
6. State Governments will be provided with all assistance to modernise their respective police forces and equip them with the latest weaponry and communications technology.
This will be done on a mission mode approach. The police are the first responders to any crisis situation. Drawing lessons from experience, police forces will be trained and fully equipped to deal with situations similar to that of Mumbai and in meeting the challenge posed by Maoists and insurgents.
7. Border management will be reviewed and improved. Punitive measures will be introduced to block illegal immigration.
8. India’s vast coastline is virtually unprotected. Coastal security will be strengthened for better patrolling of Indian waters and preventing terrorists from taking the sea route to enter India. A National Maritime Authority will be set up to coordinate coastal security.
9. Special courts will be set up for speedy prosecution of those involved with acts of terrorism. Their trial shall be fair and justice will be done to the victims swiftly.
10. Coercive measures, including diplomacy, will be used to deal with countries which promote cross-border terrorism. India will engage with the world in the global war on terror while not compromising on its domestic interests, primarily protecting citizens from the ravages of terrorism.
11. The Centre will facilitate better inter-State coordination and real-time intelligence-sharing, apart from helping States to raise anti-insurgency forces, to face the threat posed by Maoists. The ‘Chhattisgarh Model’ will be used for counter-Maoist operations. At the same time, every effort will be made to address the social and economic issues that make the ground fertile for Left-wing extremism.
12. Any talks with insurgent groups will be conditional and within the framework of the Constitution. The BJP will send out a simple message, loud and clear, to terrorists and their sponsors: They will have to pay a heavy price for each innocent life lost. Retribution will be swift and exemplary. The authority of the state, which has been diminished by the Congress in pursuit of vote-bank politics, shall be restored.
My comment : 12 things BJP will do in 100 days while they can’t did most of those in their 5 yrs of governance. Hope they will try at least when they will come in power again.
National Identity Cards for All
The BJP will launch an innovative programme to establish a countrywide system of multi-purpose national identity cards so as to ensure national security, correct welfare delivery, accurate tax collection, financial inclusion and voter registration. Voter identity cards, PAN cards, passports, ration cards and BPL cards are already in use though not all with photo identity. The NDA proposes to make it incumbent for every Indian to have a National Identity Card. The programme will be completed in three years. The National Identity Card will contain enough memory and processing capabilities to run multiple applications. Through it the NDA will ensure efficient welfare delivery and tax collection. The card will also be linked to a bank account. All welfare payments, including widow and old age pensions, through the wide range of schemes such as Mother and Child support/ Kisan Credit, Students Assistance and Micro-Credit will be channelised through the National Identity Card. The card will make it possible for individuals to save and borrow money; for farmers to get bank credit, also establish accurate land titles data. The National Identity Card will also strengthen national security by ensuring accurate citizen identity, thus tracking illegal immigration. All financial transactions, purchase of property and access to public services will be possible only on the basis of the National Identity Card which will be made forgery and hacking resistant.
My Comment: National Identity Cards for all: When the most of people of our country didn’t have the Election Card or Voter ID Card itself. Hope they will try again to show off the lollypop to most of population of India where maximum number of people even doesn’t know what is the Election Card or Voter ID Card.
Food security: We will make India hunger-free
The BJP views food security as integral to national security. The spectre of a looming food crisis haunts the developing world as never before. With the agriculture sector suffering on account of the Congress’ gross negligence, India faces a real threat of food scarcity. With India becoming a net importer of food under Congress rule, there is genuine concern about food security. Three factors have contributed to increasing food scarcity and the resultant sense of growing insecurity among the masses. First, the real income of workers and farmers has not kept pace with the rising cost of food, thus reducing their purchasing power. Second, the public distribution system has been severely crippled by the Congress-led Government which has been more interested in importing food grains and selling them at a high price than in securing the needs of the people. Third, with an additional 55 million people pushed below the poverty line over the last five years, there is widespread malnourishment. The economic recession has only worsened the situation and made it grimmer, especially for workers in the unorganised sector.
The BJP believes people have the right to food. To ensure food security for all and eliminate hunger, we will: 1. Provide 35 kg of rice or wheat every month to BPL families at Rs 2 per kg under an improved and expanded Antyodaya Anna Yojana. This will be available against ‘Food Coupons’ redeemable at both PDS and private outlets.
2. Allocate more funds for expanding, universalising and improving the functioning of the Public Distribution System.
3. Preventing families from slipping below the poverty line.
4. Setting up community kitchens in extremely impoverished areas with the help of NGOs through shared funding.
5. Aggressively addressing the problem of widespread malnutrition, especially by expanding the scope of the existing mid-day meal scheme.
6. Encouraging the production of cereals and discouraging the conversion of fertile farm land for dubious industrial projects.
7. Ensuring a sufficient level of food stocks are maintained to meet any exigencies due to possible global food crisis which could be severely debilitating and make imports prohibitively expensive, if not impossible.
7. The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, the largest rural connectivity programme initiated by the NDA Government, will be fully implemented in the first three years.
8. Bring down interest rates for housing loans so that housing becomes affordable, accessible and revives the stalled real estate sector which has witnessed huge job losses.
9. Enhance the capabilities of the manufacturing sector by easing credit availability.
10. Promote SMEs and the retail sector which can generate a large number of jobs and make a meaningful contribution to the national economy. The criteria for classifying SMEs will be reviewed.
11. Introduce reforms to improve productivity and greater capital formation.
12. Give a boost to tourism by selecting 50 tourist destinations and investing heavily in their infrastructure and communications. Tourist arrivals will be doubled.
13. Impose countervailing restrictions on foreign companies operating in India, especially in the services sector, which, on account of domestic laws of their respective countries, have introduced restrictions on hiring Indian employees with valid work visas.
14. Regulatory bodies which are supposed to monitor the performance and balance sheets of companies will be strengthened to prevent corporate fraud that dents India’s image as well as has a direct impact on the market and investors.
15. Make India proud of Indian products, and make Indian brands globally competitive.
16. Ensure a decent level of consumption for all without encouraging consumerism.
My Comment:Food Security: Hunger free India where we are among the largest country by the government of India (past/present) export the raw agriculture product. And political party’s manifesto is saying that we will make India hunger free in next five years.
Urban India: Looking ahead to the future
As the national economy grows and jobs are generated, there will be a matching increase in the pressures on urban centres. Apart from assisting State Governments to renew and revive existing cities and replace festering slums with hygienic, affordable living quarters, the BJP will review and recast the Urban Development Policy. We will specifically do the following, bearing in mind the challenges of the future:
1. In pursuit of the principle of ‘Shelter for All’, 10 lakh dwelling units for the poor will be constructed every year.
2. Fifteen new cities, with world class infrastructure facilities and amenities, will be built in five years.
3. For existing urban centres, basic infrastructure facilities and amenities of water, drainage, roads, electricity, environment and solid waste management will be enhanced for a clean and healthy city life.
4. Peripheral areas of cities will be developed on the basis of ‘rurban’ concept to minimise migration: The physical infrastructure facilities will be that of urban areas but the heart and soul will be of rural areas.
5. GIS-based mapping of urban properties and title certification will be concluded.
6. Practical, pragmatic measures will be adopted to deal with emerging urban problems like vehicular traffic overload.
My Comment:Urban India: In Delhi most of the people are fighting for better living life day-by-day like crisis of drinking water, shortage of power supply, less availability of houses for those people who can afford it, proper drainage system, open drainage system is best resource to develop epidemic like Dengue, Chikungunia etc. Before proceeding to make some new world-class city convert the existing one into world-class like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad etc.
Agriculture: Debt-free farmer, prosperous India
The pitiful state of our farm sector is best exemplified by debt-ridden farmers committing suicide. The UPA Government, while actively promoting the import of food grains, has callously ignored the plight of India’s farmers. There are three immediate concerns which will be addressed by the BJP in a time-bound manner: Ensuring assured income for farmers; freeing farmers from the burden of mounting debts; and, increasing public investment in agriculture. Everything can wait, but not agriculture. To make India’s farmer debt-free, the BJP will:
1. Waive agricultural loans.
2. Set up a commission to study the entire gamut of farmers’ loans and come up with an actionable solution to the deepening crisis within six months.
3. Set a maximum ceiling of 4 per cent interest for agricultural loans to farmers from banks.
4. Introduce a pension scheme for aged and helpless farmers.
5. Make agriculture profitable by reducing the cost of inputs, enhancing yields and reviewing the present method of determining prices.
6. Implement a Farm Income Insurance Scheme through which both price and produce will be insured. In the event of loss of crops, farmers will be compensated under this scheme so that they do not suffer any loss of income.
7. Promote nature-friendly cultivation and incentivise organic farming to arrest soil quality depletion. Special marketing assistance for organic produce.
8. Introduce value addition schemes to reduce wastage and invest in food-processing units which will generate jobs for rural youth.
9. Create irrigation facilities for an additional 35 million hectares of land in five years: This will generate rural jobs as well as benefit farmers. Drip irrigation will be promoted along with better water management and use of check dams.
10. Ensure quality power, seeds and other inputs.
11. Heavily invest funds in agriculture to reverse the trend set by the Congress-led UPA and make the farm sector an equal engine of growth along with industry and the services sector.
12. Strengthen National Rural Bank and allied services.
13. Promote horticulture, floriculture, pisciculture and poultry for generating additional jobs and supplementing incomes.
14. Create additional grazing land and encourage the maintenance of ponds and water bodies.
GM Seeds: No genetically modified seed will be allowed for cultivation without full scientific data on long-term effects on soil, production and biological impact on consumers. All food and food products produced with genetically modified seeds will be branded as ‘GM Food’.
My Comment:Agriculture: Before making debt-free farmer bring the people into agriculture or another way bring their interest into agriculture, because most the child of farmer from India don’t see any better live to be a farmer. They also need better life-style, better education, better communication, electricity, water etc. Make a happy agriculturist, Make a happy India.
Youth power: Empowering young India
India’s population, unlike that of Western nations, is getting younger by the day. More than half of our citizens are aged 25 and below; nearly two-thirds are aged 35 and below. The aspirations and ambitions of the youth are fuelled by rising literacy and awareness levels. It is the Government’s duty to help them achieve these aspirations and ambitions, and make them capable of taking on all challenges and converting them into opportunities. The BJP will fulfil this duty by framing policies in consonance with the concerns of ‘Young India’ and aimed at unleashing the abilities of the youth, who will be the driving force of this nation’s emergence as an awesome knowledge power. The BJP’s Manifesto has been drafted keeping the aspirations and ambitions of the youth in mind.
We propose to review, revive and re-launch the National Service Scheme and National Cadet Corps as effective vehicles to involve the youth in nation-building and reinforcing their national spirit. Their participation in the decision-making process and decision-making bodies will be actively encouraged.
The BJP also proposes to launch a unique ‘National Knowledge Incubation Programme’.
This will involve the setting up of ‘Incubation Centres’ for meritorious students from all strata of society. To begin with, at least one per cent of the best brains will be deployed for mentoring at the ‘Incubation Centres’. Adequate resources will be provided for the programme. A National Student Bank will be set up to meet the banking requirements, including study loans, of students, at 4% rate of interest.
My Comment:Empowering Young India: when 60% of the young graduates are unemployed when government is saying that we are creating jobs in various sectors regularly and another way young graduate is facing the jobs crisis these days. Every day’s newspaper is saying that all MNC’s are cutting their jobs regularly and terminating their employee for cost cutting and nobody thinking about those people who were taking a high range of salary suddenly they feel that they don’t have the jobs.
Education for all: Literate India, powerful India
The BJP will give education its due place in governance to achieve social, economic, cultural and technical advancement. Education will be the Government’s instrument to reduce poverty, promote health, protect the environment and advance gender equality. Central allocation to education shall be raised to six per cent of the GDP. Our goal is to spend nine per cent of GDP on education by involving the private sector.
A National Education Commission will be constituted to propose a comprehensive policy for the 21st century. The content and process of education shall be made responsive to the needs of the times and the aspirations of the young. The existing digital divide will be removed by extending the outreach of information technology to every child.
Particular emphasis shall be laid on value education, inclusive education, education of the migratory tribes and other deprived groups and all those who need additional support. The examination system will be reviewed for extensive reform.
The following are the highlights of the BJP’s agenda to ensure education for all: School Education
1. The success story of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, launched by the NDA in 2002, shall be strengthened, extended and concretised further in quality, content and support systems.
2. Implementation of the mid-day meal scheme shall be revitalised on modern management lines. Akshaya Patra Scheme will serve as a model for this purpose.
3. Effective steps shall be put in place to provide skills acquisition.
4. Primary school timings and vacations shall be flexible and decided upon by the local community and the Parents-Teachers Associations.
5. Universalisation of secondary education shall be speedily implemented. Special emphasis will be given to girls’ education at the secondary level.
6. All assistance will be provided for a national madarsa modernisation programme.
7. Close linkages between school education and higher education shall be built into the system.
net users to equal mobile subscribers.
8. Primary Health Centres to be linked to the National Telemedicine Service Network.
9. Massive expansion in the use of IT in agriculture, rural development, SMEs, retail trade, and informal and unorganised sectors of the economy.
10. National e-Governance Plan to cover every Government office from the Centre to the Panchayats. The ‘E Gram, Vishwa Gram’ scheme in Gujarat to be implemented nationwide.
11. All post offices to be converted into IT-enabled Multi-Service Outlets. All telephone booths to be upgraded to Internet kiosks.
12. e-Bhasha: National Mission for Promotion of IT in Indian Languages.
13. Special focus to bring women, SC/STs, OBCs and other weaker sections of society within the ambit of IT-enabled development.
14. Use of IT for the protection of India’s priceless cultural and artistic heritage.
15. Government to promote ‘open standard’ and ‘open source’ software.
16. Domestic IT hardware industry to be aggressively promoted to minimise dependence on imports.
17. Domestic hosting industry to be promoted to minimise international bandwith charges.
which were proposed by the NDA Government but not acted upon by the UPA, will be expedited. Similar institutions will be set up in other places to broad-base access to specialised medical care.
3. Incentives and disincentives will be introduced for State Governments to improve the quality of primary health care, maternal health care, and child health care.
4. Targets will be set for achieving significant reduction in maternal and infant mortality by improving the Janani Suraksha Yojana. The successful initiative of the BJP Government in Gujarat in this regard will be used as a model.
5. Preventive health care by way of inoculation against diseases and dissemination of information will receive focussed attention.
6. A national programme will be launched to vaccinate adults and children against all forms of hepatitis.
7. Substantial investment will be made in promoting Ayurved as an alternative therapy. Full support will be extended to the promotion of Unani system of medicine and homoeopathy. The promotion of Yoga will receive all Government assistance.
8. Clean drinking water is one of the best barriers against common but often fatal diseases. The BJP proposes to make access to clean drinking water a fundamental right for all citizens.
My Comment:Education for all: What does it mean? Just know your name how to write it or something else. If it is how to write your name than I am confident that BJP or any government can do it. But if this is not than it is very difficult to do so for any government when the most of people of rural area always thinks that to be a literate just go the school and be present there and you will get the meal and go back home. Even you will not need to do any study but you will regularly pass from lower to higher class.
Population Stabilisation
The BJP views the people of India as productive assets of society. To maximize their productivity, they have to be provided with access to health, education, technology and skills, which, in turn, require additional resources. This will be possible if we are able to stabilize India’s population. Towards this end, the BJP will address three priority issues:
1. Recognition of close linkages between sustainable development and population stabilization.
2. Link population programmes with other development initiatives like health, education, nutrition and poverty eradication programmes.
3. Follow a non-coercive and gender sensitive approach for population stabilisation.
My Comment:Population Stabilization: who is affecting from the growing of India’s population. Is this is urban people or rural people. If it is urban one than high-class family or low class family are not affected from them. The affected one is always middle class family.
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