[caption id="attachment_199" align="aligncenter" width="119" caption="Earth Hour"][/caption]
Rain and thundershowers rocked Dilli Haat minutes before the stage was set for the formal launch and the curtain raiser of the Earth Hour. The launch had invited everyone from Dr. R.K. Pachauri, Director-General TERI and the Chairperson of the Intergovernmnental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to Mr. J.K. Dadoo, Environment Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi in addition to the host CEO & Secretary General of WWF-India, Mr. Ravi Singh. A series of talks, dance performance etc. led by Shovana Narayan had also been organised.
Intense gusts of wind and heavy rains not only disrupted the programme and the proceedings, it also made people think and realize that Nature cannot be played with and that we will definitely have to show a greater respect to the Planet. Later in the event, even as the rain only got more intense, Dr. R.K. Pachauri and Ravi Singh addressed a small crowd but so much excited of Earth Hour volunteers and enthusiastic citizens who braved the weather to come together for mitigating climate change. “Let this be a message to all of us that Nature is watching”, alerted Dr. Pachauri to the charged up crowed, before the Earth Hour countdown began, and the lights were switched off.
Candles were distributed to everyone and every effort was made by the most keen, to keep them burning and spreading the message. The rest of the show unfolded as was planned, even as the rain was a constant reminder of the actions we now need to take. Even lot of small kids who were watching the programme also very excited to light up the candle and show his support to Earth Hour for an hour.
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