Don’t worry, be Happy! What a refreshing thought, indeed! Celebrations everyday! Life can be so joyful if we learn to celebrate even the smallest moments and events. Celebrate when someone says you are looking great or may be because your toddler called you ma for the first time. Always remember that it is the small acts of day-to- day life that count. And more important, that happiness is not as elusive as you think.
This year give wings to your imagination. Do the things you have always wanted to even if it means you must go out of your way to convince friends and family that you are choosing to settle for the odd and the unconventional. Remember, it’s not about what others think of you, but what you think of yourself. If it makes you happy, it’s gotta be right. Let every single moment be a celebration. Attract happiness do not allow anything dampen your spirits, it is really a matter of how you choose to be staying happy needs the determination to seek and chase it until it surrenders itself to you. After all, happiness is a state of mind where you can be what you care without bothering about what others think of you. All you need to do is change your outlook towards life.
Happiness is about being content in your personal and professional relationships. The best way is to get realistic targets for yourself and try your best variables. We become vulnerable to unhappiness. Smaller expectations make you happy. Ambitions should be set keeping in mind your ability. Be flexible and lower your expectations of necessary. You must be able to choose happiness over everything else. But how do we choose happiness? More than happiness. It’s the source of happiness which is important. Also you have to be able to distinguish between happiness and pleasure. Short-term gains often lead to long term unhappiness. We have to the clear about what we won’t.
It’s of to you to remain happy or stay in a state of gloom. The new year is the perfect time to tell yourself that you will be happy. It happiness forgets you a letter bit, never completely forget about it.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
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