Some word for loving father
If you honour your father and mother, "you will live a long life, full of blessing.” And now a word to you fathers. Fathers are the biggest source of strength for a child for me as well even today.The innocent eyes of a child perceive father as the all-powerful, most knowledge, truly affectionate and the most important person in the family. For daughters, fathers are the first men they adore and fall in love with.While for sons their fathers are the strongest person they know and someone they aspire to emulate.Even for the grownups fathers are someone whom they look up to for the most experienced and honest advice that is always in the best of their son.For this great figure in our life that we know as father.
Say Thanks to Dad
Children blessed with a loving father should consider themselves fortunate. For, they have someone to take care of their needs and interests. Someone to stop them when they are diverting to a wrong path and guide them on a road to success and virtue. For many of us fathers have always been there to solve our innumerous mathematics and science problems and explain the same formula hundredth time or better still until it is understood by us. Fathers would never ever give a smallest of hint to let us know how hard they work to take care of our needs and fulfill our demands... For all their adorable scolding and affectionate punishments we all owe a big thanks to our Dads.
Apologize to Dad
Father's Day also brings with it the wonderful opportunity to apologize for all our rude and insensitive behavior. We as children often take the love and affection of our parents for granted and treat them with outright contempt. We need to apologize. We must feel great to have the presence of loving father in our lives and do not disrespect the blessing of God on us. On Father's Day we must says “Sorry” to our Dad and seek their forgiveness for our wrong behavior."Spcially I want to say my dad for my rude behavior at childhood time."
Celebrate the big Day with Dad
We must make all efforts to celebrate Father's Day with our Dad. Children staying away from father must especially strive to spend the day with father and show gratitude for all their support and love.We must pamper father by spending the day in a manner he likes most. We can also express love with thoughtful gifts accompanied by a bouquet of his favorite flowers. The idea is to show our affection and tell Daddy how much he is loved and appreciated not just on Father's Day but every single day of our lives.
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