Today I received a mail about Lead India ’09 campaign being started by Times Of India from today in view of upcoming general elections in India. This campaign is about awakening the countrymen to vote for right candidates and before that, making political parties to bring right eligible candidates for representing them. For that, Times Of India will be reviewing all the candidates from tens of constituencies and publishing details of those political candidates.
Another good initiative coming from this leading newspaper. In this mail I got message that "if you want to be a change agent in this historic election, do write back to us by February 23rd and we’ll give you a special pass and pre-registration to the forthcoming Lead India ’09 website". And this mail was directly sended by the name of Rahul Kansal
Director,The Times of India. Just tell me that how can I write back when I have already get this mail by 2 days late. Hope this will not happen again in future. Best of luck Lead India '09!
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