Anna is the person who is the second in Indian history who inspired Indian youth to fight for your future after JayPrakash Narayanan. Now the movement against corruption in Indian history done by so much corrupted politician from India. Corruption in India is not only in political blood but also in from all level of bureaucracy.
But this movement is not for only black money in Switzerland but also the corruption involved in all aspect of Indian life.
Come to the point why government has did low level act against Mr. Anna Hazare. This could be the one of most shameful act has been done by honorable prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh's government. Specially congress spokesman Mr. Manish Tiwari is the kind of person who will not be respected by any more in India. And same as Tiwari there are lot of people around PM like Mr.Kapil Sibal, Mr.P Chidambram, Mr. Virappa Moily, Mr. Subodh Kant Sahai, Mr. S M Krishna, Mr. Pranav Mukherjee, Mr. Salman Khurshid and Mr.A K Antony. The above people are English speaking people who understand little bit of Hindi-The national language is speaking by half of Indian. This means that half of the Indians cannot understand what these people are speaking and whom they are trying to address and all the people I have mentioned above as PM's Team is a good lawyer than a politician. Because all above are lawyer in Supreme Court of India. One of major note of these person's life is that they started their career in politics as elected in Rajya Sabaha(Upper House of Parliament). Very few people in this country know this that Mr. Kapil Sibal always speaking against the Bihari's, but this person has been started his career in politics after elected in Rajya Sabha from Bihar.
So these people are not interacted so much in publicly in India so how they can address the people's motivation towards corruption free India. If India becomes corruption free than how they will run their business i.e lawyer. Government has been misleading by the people who never known for his people interaction in public domain, they are always keep themselves in AC Cabin and deal with high lever of business portfolios.
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