Friday, 20 November 2009

How Indian Govt will listen you........

How Indian Govt will listen you........

On 18th November 2009 the western UP's farmers are in Delhi for protest against the Centre’s freeze on the base sugarcane price.For three hours, they ran riot in the heart of the city, Connaught Place — damaging public property, looting shops and teasing women, with cops watching.Hundreds of protesters allegedly vandalized public property, looted shops at Janpath and attacked vehicles. Shopkeepers said some of them sat down on the footpaths to drink liquor and teased girls on the arterial stretches of CP.

Look how these people have damages the public property and realize yourself that it is right or not......

I am not against to any protest but that should not belongs to any damages of public property.

On 19th November, The Lok Sabha was adjourned until noon on Friday after opposition members disrupted the proceedings demanding a better deal for sugarcane farmers and our law makers gets 3 days to sit at their residence without any work because next day is saturday and after that sunday. They don't realize how much money are expenses for their session in parliament.  And we people always thinks after damaging these public property that those property are belongs to government not ours.

Think once again who is the government is this we or someone who come from the land of God. Are we than stop these kind of protest, please try to keep this clean and not a problem.

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